Sweltering Saudis Escape With Woollens To Mountainous ‘City Of Fog’
- by acbconcept
When Saudi Arabia, Swels in hissing desert temperatures, some fled to “City of Fog” – cool mountainous oasis where warm clothes are needed even in the summer. Sitting with friends on a picnic blanket, under light rain and thick fog and circling in al-Namas, Abdullah al-Enizi wearing a body warmer on his traditional white robe to keep the cold.
Retret, 2,800 meters (9,200 feet) above sea level in southern Saudi Arabia, in contrast to other parts of a large country, most of the desert where the summer heat is up to 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees Fahrenheit) is an annual challenge of up to 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees Fahrenheit) is an annual challenge.
In Al-Namas, the moisty weather maintains the temperature below 30 de “This is 46 degrees in Riyadh and only 20 here, 26 degrees lower,” Al-Enizi said at the holiday destination, around 850 km (530 miles) southwest of the Saudi capital. “We fled the heat. Here, it was cool and rain and fog here almost all the time,” Saudi Saudi added, 45, who drove about 12 hours from Riyadh.
Around the group of friends, the family enjoyed the wind when their children ran in the fresh air, rather than being trapped in their air-conditioned homes as usual elsewhere in this country. Tourist groups in raincoats and hairy hat drinking Arabic coffee and crowd under the umbrella, while kite fluttering in the wind. “Before we came, we pack it all our winter things!” Nouf said, who did not want to give his family name, when he grabbed his daughter coat.
Tourism authorities have built “fog roads” for pedestrians and cyclists who cross high peaks facing the removed mountains. Khalaf al-Juheiri traveled to Al-Namas with his wife and children from Tabuk, north of Saudi Arabia, to enjoy “cold weather”. “We really miss this weather when the temperature runs more than 40 degrees in the summer” in Tabuk, said the 33-year-old civil servant, covered his head against the rain.
In 2020, a study published by Science Advances magazine showed that the Gulf region had the hottest and most humid climate on this planet. Because of global warming, several bay cities can be unwind before the end of this century, experts said.Thanks to the height and strong wind, al-Namas escaped the worst of the heat, said Hassan Abdullah, an official based in Jordan from WASM weather technology company.
This has become a valuable destination during Saudi Authority, looking for new income flows other than oil, greatly promoting domestic and international tourism. “Visit Saudi” Promotion is running smoothly for only three years after a tourist visa was first available for foreign visitors in 2019. When the aircraft tariff jumped after Pandemi, Saudi families spent 80 billion riyals (around 21 billion euros) for domestic trips last year, an increase of 30 percent from 2019, the Ministry of Tourism showed.
“Summer is the peak tourism season, going from May to October,” said Abdullah Al-Shahri, a hospitality in Al-Namas, where winter temperatures sometimes go into zero degrees. At the top of the hill facing the Green Valley, the Al-omari Mushabab enjoyed the view, sitting next to his wife. “I have been here for almost three months,” retired, “and I am ready to stay four or five more months if the weather remains like this.”
When Saudi Arabia, Swels in hissing desert temperatures, some fled to “City of Fog” – cool mountainous oasis where warm clothes are needed even in the summer. Sitting with friends on a picnic blanket, under light rain and thick fog and circling in al-Namas, Abdullah al-Enizi wearing a body warmer on his traditional white robe…