Monkeypox outbreak: Centre advises isolation of suspected cases. See details here
- by acbconcept
After several countries reporting the Monkeypox case, the Ministry of Health Uni has suggested all states to direct hospitals to supervise symptomatic patients who have traveled to these countries and isolated them in designated health care facilities.In addition, the Ministry of Health has recently asked health officials at the airport and port to increase supervision and isolate symptomatic travelers from countries affected by Monkeypox and send their samples to NIV to be investigated.
“The incubation period is usually 7-14 days but can range from 5-21 days and during that time most of them have no symptoms. The aim is to detect people who are missed during the filtering at the airport due to lack of symptoms of health facilities after they manifest the symptoms, “An official explained, in accordance with the report of the news agency PTI.
This development emerged after the increasing case of Monkeypox reported from England, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Canada and the US, among others.In particular, the Ministry of Health, in collaboration with the Indian Medical Research Council (ICMR) and the National Disease Control Center (NCDC), frame comprehensive guidelines for the maintenance and prevention of monkeypox.
Although India has so far only has one case, a traveler from Canada, with symptoms of an isolated monkeypox infection. However, the sample collected from passengers turned out to be negative for infection after the test conducted at the National Institute of Virology (NIV) in Pune, according to the source.
In a temporary advisor for all states and new unions, the ministry said that health facilities must remain suspicion of people who “present with unreswined rashes and those who have traveled, in the last 21 days, to the country Recently, it has been owned confirmed or suspected of the Monkeypox case or reported contact with someone or person with a monkeypox who was confirmed or suspected. “
All suspected cases must be reported to district supervisory officers from the Integrated Disease Supervision Program. Advisors recommend sending laboratory samples consisting of fluids from vesicles, blood, phlegm, etc. To NIV in Pune for monkeypox testing in the event of suspicion.In terms of positive cases detected, contact search must begin immediately to identify patient contact in the last 21 days, the advisor stated.According to advisors, monkeypox can be transmitted from animals to humans and humans to humans. The virus enters the body through a broken skin (even if not visible), the respiratory tract, or mucous membranes (eyes, nose, or mouth).
Human-to-human transmission is considered to occur mainly through large breathing drops which generally require prolonged close contact. This can also be transmitted through direct contact with body fluids or lesions material, and indirect contact with lesions, such as through contaminated clothing or infected linen.
After several countries reporting the Monkeypox case, the Ministry of Health Uni has suggested all states to direct hospitals to supervise symptomatic patients who have traveled to these countries and isolated them in designated health care facilities.In addition, the Ministry of Health has recently asked health officials at the airport and port to increase supervision…