Solar system’s most distant planet presents unexplained shift in temperature
- by acbconcept
In a new study published in astronomers ‘Journal of Science Planet’ said that Neptune has experienced a shift in temperature that cannot be explained.
The main author of Michael Roman’s research, a Postdoctoral research partner at the University of Leicester, said in a statement “because we have observed Neptune during the early South Summer, we expect temperature to slowly grow warmer, not cooler.” “Temperature variations may be related to seasonal changes in the chemical atmospheric neptune, which can change how effective in the cold atmosphere.”But random variability in weather patterns or even response to the 11-year solar activity cycle can also have an effect,” he added
With the season that lasts for 40 years, planet Neptune must avoid climate change, but has cooled significantly since the beginning of Australia’s summer 17 years ago, according to the research.According to research by colleague of Glenn Orton, a senior research scientist at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, “Our data includes less than half the neptune season, so no one expects to see big and fast changes “I think Neptune itself is very interesting for many of us because we still know so a little about it,” Roman said.It’s all the points towards a more complicated image of the Neptune atmosphere and how it changes over time.” Neptune is the most remote planet of the solar system. It has a very dynamic atmosphere.
The highest cloud of Neptune develops so fast that the appearance of the planet can change dramatically for days. It has the strongest zone wind in the solar system.It has an average diameter of around 30,600 miles (49,250 km), making it four times wider than the earth.
Neptune orbits more than 30 times away from the Sun as the earth with an average distance of around 2.8 billion miles (4.5 billion km).Need around 165 years of Earth to complete one orbit around the Sun, Neptunia year.
In a new study published in astronomers ‘Journal of Science Planet’ said that Neptune has experienced a shift in temperature that cannot be explained. The main author of Michael Roman’s research, a Postdoctoral research partner at the University of Leicester, said in a statement “because we have observed Neptune during the early South Summer, we…