This New Dinosaur Species Discovered In Argentina Was Armless, But Not Harmless
- by acbconcept
New Delhi: A research team has found a new dinosaur in Argentina. A new species, named Guemesia Ochoai, formed a part of a variety of ‘unusual’ creatures Description of dinosaurs, led by Argentine researchers have recently been published in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.
When is the newly discovered Roam Dinosaur?
Ochoai Guemesia could be a close relative of the ancestors of a weaponless dinosaur group who explored the southern hemisphere of more than 70 million years ago, the research said. Ochoai Guemesia can look similar to relatives such as Carnotaurus Sastrei, who is the Theropod dinosaur who lives in South America during the late limestone period, maybe around 70 million years ago.
The researchers revealed complete skulls in Argentina, which provided new evidence of the unique ecosystem during the final limestone. According to this study, Guemesia Ochoai is a species of Abelisaurid, a clade of dinosaurs roaming what is now Africa, South America and India.
The dinosaurs come from around 70 million years, and may be a relative of the ancestors of Abelisaurid.
What is the suggested dinosaur skull?
Guemesia ochoai’s skull was found in areas that have very few Abelisaurid fossils, and this discovery offers valuable insight into the region, the research said. Also, new research can explain why the area raises unusual animals Professor Anjali Goswami, a research leader at the Museum of Natural History, England, and Partners of the research writer, said that new dinosaurs are quite “unusual” for their kind, according to a statement issued by the museum. He said that dinosaurs had several major characteristics that showed that it was a new species. Newly found dinosaurs provide important new information about world areas that are not widely known.
Goswami further said the discovery showed that dinosaurs who lived in this area were very different from those in the other parts of Argentina, supporting the idea of a typical province at the Cretaceous of South America. He said that there were more that could be found in these areas that lacked attention than some more famous fossil sites.
New dinosaurs are without weapons, but are not dangerous
All continents were combined together at the supercontinen, hundreds of millions of years ago. Superkontinen is known as Pangea The tectonic plate shifted from time to time, and the land began to enter Gondwana and Laurasia About 180 million years ago, two large-scale continents began to separate. Gondwana began to separate to form a large continent in the southern hemisphere, and India.
Therefore, the new continent slowly moves apart. During this period, the species will still be able to move between them. Therefore, some scientists suggest that fauna from every land will remain the same, according to the statement
.How does the dinosaur without weapons capture its prey?
The study said that one of the groups living in Gondwana at that time was Abelisaurid dinosaurs. A group of main predator theropods, Abelisaurid dinosaurs may have eaten in large dinosaurs like Titanosaurus. Apart from this frightening lifestyle, Abelisaurids was able to reduce their massive prey without using weapons, the study said Some species of Abelisaurid have a member of the front body that is even shorter than Rex Tyrannosaurus which is more famous and effectively useless, which will leave Abelisaurid’s hand that cannot be understood, the research said.
Abelisaurid’s disability to understand something might force dinosaurs to rely on their strong heads and jaws to capture prey, according to research The area where such dinosaur fossils have been found
This carnivorous fossil has been found on rocks throughout Africa, South America, India and Europe from Cretaceous. At the end of this age, 65 million years ago, asteroids hit the earth on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. The period ends with the extinction of dinosaurs, except birds, according to an article published by the California University Paleontology Museum, Berkeley, California.
Argentina is a country famous for Abelisaur fossils. 35 fossils have been described there. According to this study, almost all of these species come from Patagonia, in the south of the country, and the relatively several dinosaurs found in the northwest The description of this new dinosaur species is part of the skull providing important new knowledge for scientists who examine this historical period, the study said.
Do dinosaurs have an ancestors of Abelisaurid?
POLUS, including the upper and back of the skull, found in the Los Blanquitos formation near Amblayo, according to research. Amblayo is located north of Argentina, and the stones are between 75 and 65 million years old. It implies that the animal lives right before the tip-lime bulk extinction that sees the extinction of most dinosaurs, the research said.
New new dinosaur features The researchers observed that a unique feature of dinosaurs was a row of small holes in front of the skull known as foramina. The authors suggest in the study that holes can let animals cool, with blood pumped into thin skin in front of the head to release heat.
The skull has a ‘very small’ brain brain, similar to many abelisaurid. The study said that even later, the new species of new species were observed about 70 percent smaller than their relatives. Even though the size that is reduced might point out that it becomes a teenager, there is conflicting evidence about this There is a lack of the same clarity in connection with other features of new dinosaur species. This includes a thin skull, and lack of horns, the research said. Unlike other Abelisaurid, the newly found skull has no horn.
Who is the Ochoai Guemesia?
Although there is a lack of clarity about some details, there are quite a number of unique dinosaur features to convince researchers that it is a genus and new species, which they named Guemesia Ochoai, said this study. Dinosaurs were named Gen. Martin Miguel de Gümes, Argentine independence war hero, and Javier Ochoa, a museum technician who found the specimen, according to this study.
Many questions about the newly explained abelisaurid are still not answered. However, the discovery added a lot of evidence showing that Argentina northwest had a series of unique creatures unlike those found elsewhere in the world today, according to this study Unique creatures include podocnemidoidoide turtles such as Stupendemys Geographicus, one of the biggest aquatic reptiles ever lived, the research said Now, scientists hope to uncover more Ochoai Guemesia specimens and their relatives to find out more about life in ancient Argentina. Researchers specifically focused on the period before and after the mass extinction late-krasi to understand how this great event formed life on earth, according to this study.
New Delhi: A research team has found a new dinosaur in Argentina. A new species, named Guemesia Ochoai, formed a part of a variety of ‘unusual’ creatures Description of dinosaurs, led by Argentine researchers have recently been published in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. When is the newly discovered Roam Dinosaur? Ochoai Guemesia could be…