Ukraine hit by cyberattack, Joe Biden’s warning to Russia: Latest updates
- by acbconcept
Fear of Russian invasion in Ukraine continued to soar even though Moscow denied the same thing. On Tuesday, Russia said it had begun to attract its troops from the Ukrainian border, even though the government Vladimir Putin refused to answer how many of them were withdrawn.
This happened amid a cyber attack which was allegedly on the government website with Ukraine raised his fingers towards Russia for the same thing. US President Joe Biden said the invasion in Ukraine was still a different possibility According to media reports, 1,30,000 Russian troops have been collected near the Ukrainian border. The buildup has triggered one of the deepest crises in eastern-west relationship since the cold war.
Because tensions between the two countries remain high, here are the latest developments:
> The Ukrainian government on Tuesday pointed to his fingers in Russia because of a cyber attack. The hour after Moscow’s announcement attracted the troops again, the Kyiv government said the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces, and two state banks were hit by Cyberattack which could come from Russia.
> The United States said the invasion by Russia was still a different possibility. Overcoming reporters at the White House, Biden said, “the invasion remains clear. That’s why I asked several times that all Americans in Ukraine went now before it’s too late to go safely.” Correizing the current crisis with World War II, Biden said the Second World War Is a war needs, “but if Russia attacks Ukraine, it will be a choice war or war without cause or reason.” > US President also urged his colleague Russia Vladimir Putin to withdraw from the war with Ukraine. Biden said if Russia attacked Ukraine, the US and its allies were ready to respond with punishment aimed at demanding economic pain and global isolation.
Meanwhile, Putin said the country did not want war with Europe, adding conflict can now be resolved through diplomacy with the West.
Fear of Russian invasion in Ukraine continued to soar even though Moscow denied the same thing. On Tuesday, Russia said it had begun to attract its troops from the Ukrainian border, even though the government Vladimir Putin refused to answer how many of them were withdrawn. This happened amid a cyber attack which was allegedly…